Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Encapsulation and SOLID (Pluralsight course by Mark Seeman) - My take

The title says it all.

Seriously how difficult it can be to understand Encapsulation. In my mind Encapsulation was simply "information/implementation hiding". If you are one of developers who believe Encapsulation is what I believed, then I strongly suggest following to the this Pluralsight course.

One of the key learning outcomes was understanding Command Query Separation (CQS). We all use this principle in our day to day development. I did not realise the power of this principle until when Mark dissect some confusing code. I learnt why should you make a clear separation between a Command (mutate state) and Query (idempotent). This was really refreshing. Seriously, is it so hard to follow this principle? When you work in a code base that is constantly been modified by half a zone teams cross multiple continent, my answer is Yes. 

I have not heard about The Postel's Law (Robustness principle), before this screen cast. If you have, then Good for you!, if not, then you should read NOW!. 

We have seen the use (or misuse) of Null for reference types. Have you heard about the Maybe<T> pattern?. This is purely a wrap around the Enumerable<T>. Simply put, if something is being returned then there will be 1 (one) element in the output, and 0 (zero) if none. This is quite useful to avoid returning Null from a reference type contract. I found this slightly confusing first. But once I understood the intent, then I do see the advantages.

So, if you would like to refresh your core OOP skills, then this is the course you should seriously consider.

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