Sunday, 10 June 2012

ASP.NET MVC 3 - SportsStore [using MVC 4]

I started reading the ASP.NET MVC3 book few weeks ago. The part 1 of the book builds a very nice e-commerce application called "Sports Store".

I have to admit that I read the ASP.NET MVC 2 by Steven Sanderson while ago. It was a one of the greatest reads! (I mean from cover to cover). Although Steven was involved with the ASP.NET MVC 3 book, I felt that it was bit rushed. But I really enjoyed it!

Since, MVC 4 and Visual Studio 2011 (beta)  are already in preview stage, I thought the best way to learn is to code "Sports Store" application using Visual Studio 2011 Beta and MVC 4.

I uploaded the project to codeplex too..
Sports Store using MVC 4 in CodePlex

See some of the screen captures.. (sorry about the images)

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  1. I'm working through Pro MVC 3, brand new to MVC but finding the book really good!

  2. Did you face any issues with ReturnURL .. " return RedirectToAction("Index", new { returnUrl });" this code is not generating me proper URL. and hence showing error after clicking the button as resource not avaialble

  3. I did not have problem though.. did you try specifying "new {controller = "controller name", action="action to invoke", id="some param"}". Alternatively you can use "RedirectToAction("Index", "controller name") (if I remember well.)
