Thursday, 31 December 2015

AWS: 0. Deploying a WebAPI Service to EC2 instance

I have been reading so many great articles and watching videos about the AWS platform from the community for many months. Most of these resources form part of a larger solution and sometimes fails to discuss the full picture.

My attempt is to start a very simple project using ASP.NET MVC WebApi and deploy to AWS. I know there are pre-baked services such as AWS Elastic beanstalk where the deployment is made simple with templates. That is not the point.

I am going to start with poor man's deployment techniques (e.g. copy/paste) and work my way up the AWS platform.

To get started, I need a Windows Virtual Machine in AWS that can be accessed publicly.  Then I will deploy my application and access it externally. I am going to deploy a ASP.NET WebAPI project that returns a simple response.

Creating a Virtual Machine

The EC2 Console allows us to launch an instance.

EC2 Dashboard where the an EC2 instance can be launched

In order to host the Web API, I am going to select a Windows VM. I have selected a Windows 2012 R2 base image which is AWS free tier eligible.

Public IP address for the instance

I have accepted all the defaults from the wizard, which setting an public IP to the instance. This is very important because without a public IP address, we cannot connect to the instance from the Internet.

Auto assigning a public IP address to the instance

Connecting to the Virtual Machine

In order to connect to the VM, I need two pieces of information. These are 1) public IP address 2) Administrator password.

We can find the public IP address from the EC2 Dashboard. During the launching phase of the VM, I had to create/use key pair (pem file). This is required to decrypt the administrator password.

Once decrypted, I can connect to the VM using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

Deploying the package

I packaged the WebApi solution is packaged as an WebDeploy package, simply to aid in deployment. The packages can simply be copied over to the VM (copy from local machine and paste in VM).

WebDeploy files copied over to the Windows VM on AWS Platform

The WebDeploy deployment package can be installed using the generated "cmd" file. I am using "-enableRule:DoNotDelete" flag to prevent WebDeploy from deleting the package.

Installing the WebDeploy package in Windows VM

Although the installation was successful, the service cannot be accessed publicly. The firewall of the instance only allows traffic over port 3389 (for RDP). Therefore I need to open the inbound port of the site.

Opening port 88 to the world

The change to the security group is applied immediately. In addition to this step, I need to open the port through the Windows Firewall because the service is hosted on a non-standard port (I chose to host the site over port 88).

I can now access the service publicly.

Connecting to the service remotely
So there you go..

In this task, I simply started up a Windows VM and copied our WebApi code and accessed it over the Internet. Except of for few security group configurations, there was not anything new compared to on-premises deployment.

In the next port I am going to look at how this process can be improved so that we are ready for the "cloud".

Friday, 25 December 2015

AWS: No internet access on default VPC

The launching an EC2 instances on the AWS platform is pretty easy and hardly a task. However things get pretty interesting when things does not work.

After blindly accepting all the defaults for launching an EC2 instance, I could not open an SSH session to the server. The connecting was timing out.

Take 1

I was using a Windows OS to connect to Linux.  The Windows firewall the first point of interest. The connectivity still failed after opening up port 22 on my Windows machine. So this was not the issue.

Take 2

The AWS security group was the next. The AWS security groups provides an instance level firewall that allow traffic to an instance. Generally this AWS warns if you do not open up SSH or RDP port. (I did not see this) I checked the Security group and the SSH port was opened for inbound. All traffic was opened for outbound. So the security group was not the issue.

Take 2.1 

In pure desperation I launched a different instance in a separate Availability Zone. This new instance allowed SSH connectivity. So could it be an issue with AWS? The next point of call was to check whether the EC2 service is operating normally in the region using the AWS health portal. This was fine!, so its not AWS.

Take 3

Instances connect to outside world through an Internet Gateway. As the name implies, an Internet Gateway allows a subnet to connect to the internet. I checked the subnets route table and I can see that the outbound traffic from is being forwarded to the Internet Gateway. There is nothing wrong with the Internet Gateway.

Take 4

The network traffic flows through the Network Access Control list (NACL), which is at the subnet level. To my surprise the outbound and inbound traffic was set to DENY. At this point I realised that the network traffic was being stopped at the NACL level. The solution was quite simple, I simply added ALLOW rule for both inbound and outbound NACL before the DENY rule. Remember that NACLs are stateless and rules are executed in order. By adding the ALLOW rule before the DENY rule allowed the network traffic to enter and leave the subnet.. and most importantly I had my internet